Step 1 – You download and complete a health questionnaire (shop) with your history and the help you need. This is sent back via email.
Step 2 – I will then call you to arrange an appointment and the payment of £75 (first consultation) made through the pay-pal link.
Step 3 – We have one hour together going through your history and the issues that you have raised on the questionnaire – this is your time to also ask any questions you may have.
Step 4 – From our discussions, I then send you a protocol sheet with my recommendations for lifestyle changes to improve health and wellness and any remedies needed – and how they are to be taken.
Step 5 – You purchase the remedies through this website.
Step 6 – We arrange another appointment for a month ahead (£55 subsequent consultations)) where you will fill in a ‘medical score questionnaire’ – we then spend another one hour evaluating your progress over that month – I then send another protocol sheet with the recommendations.
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